Sunday, December 5, 2010

No Shave November

Miriam came and visited after Thanksgiving. It was pretty awesome. We visited La Jolla and Mission Trails, and then went to the zoo and Coronado. The last day she was here, we drove up to LA and spent an exciting and fantastic day with Brigitte.

We went all around Hollywood and even took one of those bus tours. I love love love these girls, I'm so glad to have been able to spend time with them. That's my Thank you for Thanksgiving this year. =)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010

No, Seriously

These heat needs to calm it's ass down.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Libraries are like the most amazing things ever. I'm not just saying this as an avid reader, but also as someone who lives in a city that decides suddenly for two days to dwell in 90 degrees F range. Maybe I should rephrase this entire entry and say: Air Conditioning is the most amazing thing ever. No, but really.

Now I just have to muster up the motivation to walk the 12 blocks home. Whatever, I think the heat has dissipated to somewhere in the 80s. Hello, winter, how are you doing? It's good to almost see you!

RIP, Andy Irons

Went to New York to get away from the fast life of San Diego...Just kidding. I went to New York to visit my mother who was there on a business conference. It was so much fun. And I got to see my friendssss! I have pictures, unfortunately they are the disposable kinds, so I need to get my film developed. It is much more fun this way, I feel.

I am also pet-sitting, and have to go change some very stinky cat litter. Yummy.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Well I may not be you, and you not me
But between us there are certain similarities
Like I believe in love, and the devil will come
looking for us if we've wronged someone

Freedom is ours to hold
just a struggle in your mind
to keep your soul, keep your soul
And it's old, yes it's old,
just a struggle in your mind to keep your soul.

--The Beautiful Girls, Freedom

Sunday, September 12, 2010


I have really good friends. Like, really, really good friends. And I miss every single one of them when they're not right next to me, but it's awesome to be able to see their faces and share stories about what's happening in our lives.

I really want to visit Mount Holyoke in Playterm...we'll see how it goes.